[Clamav-devel] ClamAV(R) blog: ClamAV 0.99 Release Candidate has been posted!
(too old to reply)
Steven Morgan
2015-10-16 21:50:22 UTC
Hi Mark,

Thanks for your feedback.

Three work arounds were provided in comment 22 of bugzilla 11309 toward the
problem of compiling built-in llvm on recent OS X 10.10 releases:

- compile llvm unoptimized: ./configure CXXFLAGS='-O0'
- use llvm library already your system: ./configure --with-system-llvm
- use the bytecode interpreter instead of LLVM JIT: ./configure --enable-llvm=no

The ticket is left open until we decide on the future direction for using
llvm within ClamAV and that is still under discussion as there are
additional considerations for other non-Mac OS X platforms.

As far as compiling on OS X 10.11 with OpenSSL, OpenSSL is required for
ClamAV since ClamAV 0.98.2. There should be a resource for obtaining and
installing OpenSSL for that platform.

libxml2 is not required, but is highly recommended (since ClamAV 0.98.1),
so sounds like you'll need to install that as well. Please let us know if
this persists after libxml2 is installed(libxml2 dev version).

The PCRE warning messages are apparently due to not having PCRE installed.
PCRE is optional, but the new capabilities of using logical signatures
containing PCRE and YARA rules require PCRE. Please advise if it is a
problem when PCRE(dev version again) is installed.

For the warnings you get from 'freshclam ---no-warnings', please open a
bugzilla ticket containing the warning messages and we can get those fixed.

Let us know how things work out with OpenSSL, libxml2, and PCRE installed.

Hi Joel,
Compiled OK on OS X 10.10.5 using Xcode 6, but I still needed to add the
"--enable-llvm=no" configure flag to get freshclam to work. The issue 11309
in Bugzilla is still open, but the target was 0.99
ClamAV will NOT compile on OS X 10.11 with Xcode 7 as Apple doesn't supply
OpenSSL headers any more. I also tried using Xcode 6 and the 10.10 SDK
(passing -sysroot in CFLAGS and CXXFlags) but it still says OpenSSL not
found. It also fails to find xmlreader.h
OpenSSL binaries are still available, so it's possible to compile on 10.10
and run on 10.11, but compilation on OS X 10.11 doesn't appear to be
possible any more.
Regardless of how ClamAV is compiled, there is also a minor issue with
freshclam --no-warnings
still prints out a load of warnings
[LibClamAV] cli_loadldb: logical signature for
Win.Trojan.ssid16667 uses PCREs but support is disabled, skipping
[LibClamAV] cli_loadldb: logical signature for
Win.Trojan.ssid15873 uses PCREs but support is disabled, skipping
ClamAV 0.99 Release Candidate has been posted!
ClamAV 0.99 Release Candidate has been posted for download! Please
This the first release of ClamAV that is being done on both ClamAV.net<
http://clamav.net> and SourceForge. If you are a package or mirror
maintainer, make sure you start moving your download location from
SourceForge over to ClamAV.net<http://clamav.net>.
ClamAV 0.99 contains major new features and changes. YARA rules, Perl
Compatible Regular Expressions, revamped on-access scanning for Linux, and
* Processing of YARA rules(some limitations- see signatures.pdf).
* Support in ClamAV logical signatures for many of the features
added for YARA, such as Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, alternate
strings, and YARA string attributes. See signatures.pdf for full details.
* New and improved on-access scanning for Linux. See the recent
blog post and clamdoc.pdf for details on the new on-access capabilities.
* A new ClamAV API callback function that is invoked when a
virus is found. This is intended primarily for applications running in
all-match mode. Any applications using all-match mode must use the new
callback function to record and report detected viruses.
* Configurable default password list to attempt zip file
* TIFF file support.
* Upgrade Windows pthread library to 2.9.1.
* A new signature target type for designating signatures to run
against files with unknown file types.
* Improved fidelity of the "data loss prevention" heuristic
algorithm. Code supplied by Bill Parker.
* Support for LZMA decompression within Adobe Flash files.
* Support for MSO attachments within Microsoft Office 2003 XML
* A new sigtool option(--ascii-normalize) allowing signature
authors to more easily generate normalized versions of ascii files.
* Windows installation directories changed from \Program
Files\Sourcefire\ClamAV to \Program Files\ClamAV or \Program
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using clamd on-access scanning or have
applications using all-match mode, you will want to review the changes and
make any necessary adjustments before using ClamAV 0.99. Users of windows
binaries need to be aware of the change of installation directories.
Thank you to the ClamAV community members who sent patches and bug
Steve Basford
Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
Bill Parker
Andreas Schulze
Yann E. Morin
Andreas Cadhalpun
Dmitry Marakasov
Michael Pelletier
Felix Groebert
The ClamAV team (http://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
Joel Esler
Manager, Talos Group
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

Mark Allan
2015-10-20 09:16:03 UTC
Hi Steve,

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, I'm aware of the workarounds - I was merely mentioning that they were still required despite the fix being targeted at v0.99

The main reasons for my email were freshclam producing warnings that weren't being suppressed with the "--no-warnings" flag (now filed as bugzilla 11411); and to raise awareness of the fact that ClamAV won't compile at all on OS X 10.11.

On that last note, having spent a chunk of yesterday working on this, I believe I have a workaround. It's not ideal, but as a binary package maintainer, it sure beats bundling and exporting OpenSSL myself!

First thing is to grab a copy of the OS X 10.10 SDK.
Add the directory /usr/local/include if it doesn't already exist.
Add a symlink in there to the openssl header directory within the 10.10 SDK.

If anyone else reads this message and follows the above instructions, you should bear in mind that Apple deprecated OpenSSL in OS X 10.7 (back in 2011) and they removed the headers this year, so it stands to reason that in the not-to-distant future, the OpenSSL binaries will also be removed from OS X.

Post by Steven Morgan
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your feedback.
Three work arounds were provided in comment 22 of bugzilla 11309 toward the
- compile llvm unoptimized: ./configure CXXFLAGS='-O0'
- use llvm library already your system: ./configure --with-system-llvm
- use the bytecode interpreter instead of LLVM JIT: ./configure --enable-llvm=no
The ticket is left open until we decide on the future direction for using
llvm within ClamAV and that is still under discussion as there are
additional considerations for other non-Mac OS X platforms.
As far as compiling on OS X 10.11 with OpenSSL, OpenSSL is required for
ClamAV since ClamAV 0.98.2. There should be a resource for obtaining and
installing OpenSSL for that platform.
libxml2 is not required, but is highly recommended (since ClamAV 0.98.1),
so sounds like you'll need to install that as well. Please let us know if
this persists after libxml2 is installed(libxml2 dev version).
The PCRE warning messages are apparently due to not having PCRE installed.
PCRE is optional, but the new capabilities of using logical signatures
containing PCRE and YARA rules require PCRE. Please advise if it is a
problem when PCRE(dev version again) is installed.
For the warnings you get from 'freshclam ---no-warnings', please open a
bugzilla ticket containing the warning messages and we can get those fixed.
Let us know how things work out with OpenSSL, libxml2, and PCRE installed.
Hi Joel,
Compiled OK on OS X 10.10.5 using Xcode 6, but I still needed to add the
"--enable-llvm=no" configure flag to get freshclam to work. The issue 11309
in Bugzilla is still open, but the target was 0.99
ClamAV will NOT compile on OS X 10.11 with Xcode 7 as Apple doesn't supply
OpenSSL headers any more. I also tried using Xcode 6 and the 10.10 SDK
(passing -sysroot in CFLAGS and CXXFlags) but it still says OpenSSL not
found. It also fails to find xmlreader.h
OpenSSL binaries are still available, so it's possible to compile on 10.10
and run on 10.11, but compilation on OS X 10.11 doesn't appear to be
possible any more.
Regardless of how ClamAV is compiled, there is also a minor issue with
freshclam --no-warnings
still prints out a load of warnings
[LibClamAV] cli_loadldb: logical signature for
Win.Trojan.ssid16667 uses PCREs but support is disabled, skipping
[LibClamAV] cli_loadldb: logical signature for
Win.Trojan.ssid15873 uses PCREs but support is disabled, skipping
ClamAV 0.99 Release Candidate has been posted!
ClamAV 0.99 Release Candidate has been posted for download! Please
This the first release of ClamAV that is being done on both ClamAV.net<
http://clamav.net> and SourceForge. If you are a package or mirror
maintainer, make sure you start moving your download location from
SourceForge over to ClamAV.net<http://clamav.net>.
ClamAV 0.99 contains major new features and changes. YARA rules, Perl
Compatible Regular Expressions, revamped on-access scanning for Linux, and
* Processing of YARA rules(some limitations- see signatures.pdf).
* Support in ClamAV logical signatures for many of the features
added for YARA, such as Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, alternate
strings, and YARA string attributes. See signatures.pdf for full details.
* New and improved on-access scanning for Linux. See the recent
blog post and clamdoc.pdf for details on the new on-access capabilities.
* A new ClamAV API callback function that is invoked when a
virus is found. This is intended primarily for applications running in
all-match mode. Any applications using all-match mode must use the new
callback function to record and report detected viruses.
* Configurable default password list to attempt zip file
* TIFF file support.
* Upgrade Windows pthread library to 2.9.1.
* A new signature target type for designating signatures to run
against files with unknown file types.
* Improved fidelity of the "data loss prevention" heuristic
algorithm. Code supplied by Bill Parker.
* Support for LZMA decompression within Adobe Flash files.
* Support for MSO attachments within Microsoft Office 2003 XML
* A new sigtool option(--ascii-normalize) allowing signature
authors to more easily generate normalized versions of ascii files.
* Windows installation directories changed from \Program
Files\Sourcefire\ClamAV to \Program Files\ClamAV or \Program
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using clamd on-access scanning or have
applications using all-match mode, you will want to review the changes and
make any necessary adjustments before using ClamAV 0.99. Users of windows
binaries need to be aware of the change of installation directories.
Thank you to the ClamAV community members who sent patches and bug
Steve Basford
Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
Bill Parker
Andreas Schulze
Yann E. Morin
Andreas Cadhalpun
Dmitry Marakasov
Michael Pelletier
Felix Groebert
The ClamAV team (http://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
Joel Esler
Manager, Talos Group
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

